Exactly 3 months ago, I gave birth to these beautiful baby boys.
Today Eric and I said to each other, 'Congratulations, we have survived 3 months with 3 kids."
The last 3 months have been so hard, but so wonderful. I can honestly say that these are the best of times and the worst of times. It is so hard to function with just a couple of hours of sleep on some nights, with two babies crying at the same time, and a 3 year old demanding your attention. It's exhausting trying to feed two babies and still find time to feed yourself or even take a shower. It's frustrating not being able to keep my house clean with all this going on and after spending hours cleaning it, a little certain boy comes along and messes it up within 5 minutes.

Life can be so hard sometimes, but then there are those times when these beautiful babies look up at you, smile, coo just because you are their mother. It's magical watching a 3 year old ask to hold his baby brothers and snuggle up to them or try to tickle them and then watching these cute babies smile back at him. It's wonderful being able to comfort these boys just by holding them and talking to them. It's so peaceful watching these sweet babies sleep, their eyes twitching and wandering what they are dreaming of. I would not trade any of those hard times if it means that I have these precious moments in my life.
At 3 months of age, Xander and Liam are very happy boys. They smile constantly and love to coo or talk when they are being talked to. Last night Xander laughed out loud for the first time. It was a big chuckle and the most precious sound. I feel Liam is trying to learn how to crawl. Every time I put him on his tummy on the floor, he tries to grab onto something and pull himself forward. Sometimes he makes it somewhere. They are also discovering their hands and toes. It is so cute watching them look at something and concentrate so hard trying to figure it out. At night they sleep together in a playard. We try to lay them down as far away from each other as possible because at some point they move right next to each other and snuggle and sometimes wake each other up.
I love my children more than anything else. Xander and Liam have already brought so much love and joy into our home and I feel so blessed and humbled with them in my life.
Today Eric and I said to each other, 'Congratulations, we have survived 3 months with 3 kids."
The last 3 months have been so hard, but so wonderful. I can honestly say that these are the best of times and the worst of times. It is so hard to function with just a couple of hours of sleep on some nights, with two babies crying at the same time, and a 3 year old demanding your attention. It's exhausting trying to feed two babies and still find time to feed yourself or even take a shower. It's frustrating not being able to keep my house clean with all this going on and after spending hours cleaning it, a little certain boy comes along and messes it up within 5 minutes.
Life can be so hard sometimes, but then there are those times when these beautiful babies look up at you, smile, coo just because you are their mother. It's magical watching a 3 year old ask to hold his baby brothers and snuggle up to them or try to tickle them and then watching these cute babies smile back at him. It's wonderful being able to comfort these boys just by holding them and talking to them. It's so peaceful watching these sweet babies sleep, their eyes twitching and wandering what they are dreaming of. I would not trade any of those hard times if it means that I have these precious moments in my life.
At 3 months of age, Xander and Liam are very happy boys. They smile constantly and love to coo or talk when they are being talked to. Last night Xander laughed out loud for the first time. It was a big chuckle and the most precious sound. I feel Liam is trying to learn how to crawl. Every time I put him on his tummy on the floor, he tries to grab onto something and pull himself forward. Sometimes he makes it somewhere. They are also discovering their hands and toes. It is so cute watching them look at something and concentrate so hard trying to figure it out. At night they sleep together in a playard. We try to lay them down as far away from each other as possible because at some point they move right next to each other and snuggle and sometimes wake each other up.
I love my children more than anything else. Xander and Liam have already brought so much love and joy into our home and I feel so blessed and humbled with them in my life.